May 18, 2023

As a notary, your primary responsibility is to protect the state against fraud. When notarizing a document, spotting fake ID’s is very important. Before you begin to examine the document presented to you by your client, you must examine and record all pertinent information from their ID into your journal. Remember this little acronym:


Photo: Does the photo look like the person sitting in front of you?

Record: Record the type, the government issued number, and the expiration date in your journal

Expiration: Check and double check the expiration date.

Description: Does the physical description match?

UV Light: Most government issued IDs now have an imbedded seal that can only be seen using an

ultraviolet light.

Signature: Always take a moment to compare the persons signature in your journal to the signature on

the ID.

You do not ever want to be put in a position where your integrity or the accuracy of your work as an appointed public official comes into question. If that were to happen, the state will deal with you harshly. Fines can be as much as $10,000 and possible imprisonment for up to 2 years. Not to mention that you might be named in a lawsuit by the parties involved. Stop. Take the time to follow these steps every single time and you can avoid those issues all together.

What do I do if the ID is fake? You may ask if they have another form of ID. Compare the two. Note: if the same photo appears on both………more than likely it is fake. Simply excuse yourself stating that neither of the ID cards presented meet the requirements of the state. Always conduct yourself professionally by using a follow up comment such as: “Please feel free to call me when you have the appropriate IDs and I will be happy to notarize your documents.

With the ever-growing identity theft problem we face today, there is also an ever-growing sophistication in the production of fraudulent ID cards. Click the link below to order your UV fraud light detector.


In addition, con artists (let’s just call them like it is) will oftentimes use a passport or some other type of International ID to try and pull one over on you. Be prepared!!

Bottom line: When in doubt…….DON’T!!

by: Melissa Watts / Co-CEO and Co-founder of Notary Know How LLC
