R.O.N. vs R.I.N.
RON vs. RIN, what is the difference?
Remote Online Notarizations are NOT legal in Alabama but Remote Ink Notarizations are. Do you know the difference? RON is fully digital; RIN is commonly thought of as a ‘Wet Signature required’ notarization. Here is what Alabama Law, Act #2021-319 has to say about it:
REMOTE NOTARIZATION The Alabama Legislature, with the passage of Act 2021-319, authorized the remote notarization of documents.
Remote notarization may not be used to notarize an absentee ballot application or an absentee ballot affidavit, or for any purpose related to voting. Ala. Code § 36-20-73.1
(h). Under Alabama law, remote notarization is permissible if:
(1) An original wet signature is signed directly onto the document; 12
(2) A two-way audio-video communication technology that allows the notary public and the signatory to communicate by both sight and sound is used and the notary maintains a recording of the communication for seven years; and
(3) The identity of the signatory is verified by the notary public. Ala. Code § 36-20- 73.1. The two-way audio-video communication must be recorded and maintained by the notary public for at least seven years. Ala. Code § 36-20-73.1(c)(2). The recording must contain: (1) The date and time of the remote notarial act. (2) A description of the documents to which the remote notarial act relates. (3) An attestation by the notary public of being physically located in this state.
(4) A description of how the identification of the signatory was verified.
(5) A clear image of any government issued identification, if applicable.
(6) A clear image of the act of signing observed by the notary public. Ala. Code § 36- 20-73.1(e). Under the Code of Alabama § 36-20-73.1(d), if using remote notarization, the notary public must verify the identity of the signatory by one of two methods: (1) The personal knowledge of the notary public of the identity of the signatory; or (2) The presentation of two valid forms of government issued ID, one of which includes the face and signature of the signatory, and a process by which the notary public verifies the identity of the signatory through a review of public or private data sources. The remote notarization law still requires the notary to directly sign and seal the document.
The Signer contacts the Notary
RON requires the signer and Notary to use audiovisual technology to communicate remotely using a platform that meets their states requirements
Notary records the transaction
Verity the signer’s ID, most software uses automated ID verification and/or knowledge -based questions to authenticate the signor. Again, according to their state’s requirements
Notary must recite any information required by their state law to be recorded.
Document to be signed is presented via RON Software Platform.
Signer signs electronically
Notary issues Oath if required
Notary applies electronic signature and electronic seal and completes the notarial certificate
Notary records in their journal
Notary collects payment for their services
Notary must save recording for length of time governed by their state
The signer contacts the Notary
The Notary sends signer a link to the Audio/Video platforms being used for the RIN transaction. Zoom is acceptable.
Notary records the transaction.
Verify the Signer’s ID. The signer must provide (2) forms of government ID AND the Notary must use a process to verify public and private information
Alabama State law requires that the Notary recite mandatory information for the recording. The following is required: The recording MUST contain the following: (1) The date and time of the remote notarial act. (2) A description of the documents to which the remote notarial act relates. (3) An attestation by the notary public of being physically located in this state. (4) A description of how the identification of the signatory was verified. (5) A clear image of any government issued identification, if applicable. (6) A clear image of the act of signing observed by the notary public. Ala. Code § 36- 20-73.1(e).
Signer presents the unsigned document
Notary watches while the ‘Wet’ signature is being made by the signer
Notary issues Oath if required
Signer sends signed document/s to the Notary
Notary reviews document to verify it is the same one used in the Remote Session
Notary completes the Notary Certificate
Notary records in their journal
Notary collects payment for their services
Notary returns notarized documents to the signer
In the State of Alabama, the Notary must keep the recording for 7 years