THURSDAY THINK TANK - Notary Signing Agent Code of Professional Responsibility, Guiding Principle #2: Notarization


Today we are looking at the Notary Signing Agent Code of Professional Responsibility, Guiding Principle #2:NOTARIZATION. Being a Notary of Integrity means doing what is right at all times. Follow these standards for proper notarization and you will be on the right track.

The below is taken directly from the Signing Professionals Workgroup, Notary Signing Agent Code of Professional Responsibility:

 Principle #2 of the Notary Signing Agent Code of Professional Responsibility, which is "Notarization," is important for a notary public to follow because it underscores the fundamental role of a notary public in ensuring the integrity and authenticity of important legal and financial documents. Adhering to this principle is vital for several reasons:

1. Legal and Ethical Obligation: Notaries are public officers entrusted with the duty to verify the identity of signers and the authenticity of documents. Following this principle is not only a legal obligation but also an ethical one.

2. Preventing Fraud: Notaries act as a deterrent against fraud. By verifying the identity of the signers, notaries help prevent unauthorized or fraudulent signatures on important documents, such as contracts, wills, and deeds.

3. Document Integrity: Notaries help maintain the integrity of documents. When a document is notarized, it attests to the fact that the person signing it did so willingly, with full understanding of its contents, and without coercion.

4. Protecting All Parties: Notarization benefits all parties involved in a transaction. It provides a level of assurance that the document's content is legitimate and that the signer is who they claim to be. This can help prevent disputes and legal challenges later on.

5. Public Trust: The public places trust in notaries to perform their duties honestly and with integrity. Following the Notary Signing Agent Code of Professional Responsibility, including Principle #2, helps maintain and enhance public confidence in the notarial process.

6. Compliance with State Laws: Each state has its own laws and regulations governing notaries and notarization. Following the code ensures that notaries are in compliance with these laws and can continue to perform their duties legally.

7. Professional Reputation: Notaries who consistently follow the principles of the Code of Professional Responsibility build a strong professional reputation. This, in turn, can lead to increased business and opportunities.

In summary, following Principle #2 of the Notary Signing Agent Code of Professional Responsibility, which pertains to notarization, is essential for notaries to fulfill their legal and ethical responsibilities, prevent fraud, maintain document integrity, and uphold public trust in the notarial process. By adhering to these principles, notaries play a critical role in ensuring the validity and authenticity of important legal documents.


THURSDAY THINK TANK - Notary Signing Agent Code of Professional Responsibility Guiding Principle #3 - Impartiality


THURSDAY THINK TANK - Notary Signing Agent Code of Professional Responsibility Guiding Principle #1 - Qualifications