THURSDAY THINK TANK - Notary Signing Agent Code of Professional Responsibility, Guiding Principle #10 - Standards

On this edition of THURSDAY THINK TANK, we are discussing the last of the 10 Guiding Principle of the Notary Signing Agent Code of Professional Responsibility. 


Guiding Principle #10:


The Notary Signing Agent will endeavor to maintain and raise standards of practice amongst practitioners in the signing services industry.

There are many standards that we all live and work by. There are professional standards, moral standards,  personal standards and so on. We want to encourage you to always hold a high standard in whatever you do. As we have stated many times, Notaries are trusted public officials. Be a Notary of Integrity and High Standards! This year, why not make it your goal to raise the bar for Notaries and be a Notary of excellence with High Standards in all that you do.

In a recent Tuesday Table Talk we discussed a yearly review to look at our business and personal lives. Let's include a standards review. How were your standards last year? Do you need to raise them? What prevented you from working with a high standard last year? What can you do to raise your standards this year? 

"The minimum standard is just one small step above inadequate", Mike Walker.



What if the name's don't match?


TUESDAY TABLE TALK - interview with Certified Health and Wellness Coach Robin Kirby Gatto