May 22,2023

Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It helps you to focus and organize your life to get to where you want to be.


Give yourself permission to DREAM BIG! Goals are a guidepost to let you know you’re on track to reach higher for yourself and your Notary Business. Before you can reach farther and higher you need to know where you are at. Take a personal assessment. Write down where you are on your Notary business journey. Sometimes it helps to see things in writing to further cement that in your mind. Now that you know where you are at, establish where you want to be. A great way to put your vision on paper is to write a Mission Statement. A Mission Statement is a formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual. You cannot map the road to where you want to be if you don’t first know where you are right now. Do some personal reflection. Where are you? Where do you want to be? What steps will it take to get you there? Now it is time to set some goals.

Have SMART goals

You’re not going to achieve your goals if they aren’t SMART. If you haven’t heard of SMART goals already, they are goals that are:

  • Specific. There’s no point in setting vague goals that don’t achieve anything specific.

Research by the creators of goal setting theory, Locke & Latham, found that in 90% of studies conducted, specific and challenging goals lead to higher performance than when people were set either easy goals, “do your best” goals, or no goals at all. It’s important for you to have clear and established aims, to avoid potentially setting goals so broad that they are overwhelming and therefore too difficult to set into action.

  • Measurable. Once you have a specific goal pinned down, it’s important to be able to measure the success or completion of the goal. This doesn’t have to be in the traditional sense, like on a numeric scale or a statistic, it just has to be measurable in some sense, so that it is clear when you have reached or are close to reaching your goal.

  • Attainable. A SMART goal must be within reach. Don’t set yourself up for failure by making goals that are unrealistic. For example: Planning to run a marathon with no previous experience in a few weeks is anything but realistic.

  • Relevant. It is essential that any goals set for teams or individuals are relevant to company-wide aims. Of course, goal completion is important, and having goals met or worked towards is the overall idea when setting them, but this is only really beneficial when the goals are productive and will contribute to your Notary Business success in some way.

  • Time-bound. Goals must be time-related. It’s not productive to set a deadline too far in the future for a simple task, or an unrealistically short deadline for something complex and time-consuming. This common pitfall can be incredibly demotivating. You’re either left with an abundance of time in which you are not pushing yourself, or left feeling stressed and demotivated when you fail to complete goals in the time frame provided. 

Daily reflection and assessments will help you stay on track to accomplish your goals. Did you live by your Mission Statement today? If not, what dIid you falter on? What changes need to be made to help you live closer to your Mission Statement?

REMEMBER: If you aim for nothing, you will hit it every time! Our success is tied to the decisions that we make daily. A goal without a plan is just a wish. You can do this. We have faith in you and are here to help you achieve your dreams!

Dena Spinks – Co-Founder/CEO Notary Know How LLC


